My Package Pal Rocks!

Are you participating in Jamie at  C.R.A.F.T‘s package pals?  If not, then you should definitely consider doing it next time – she’s going to do one every other month.  Check out what my pal Ellen sent me:

I’ll start at the top left and go clockwise:

  • Button “bouquet” – can you say adorable!  And how original – I’ve never seen anything quite like it before, and that’s saying a lot with all the button art that’s floating around.  I made it a home in a little cut glass jelly jar I had on a shelf.
  • Baker’s twine – There’s an assortment of colors in there.  I’ve pinned several projects using baker’s twine – I know some of this will get used as part of Arden’s birthday party decor next month.
  • 100% wool felt – Ellen is big into felt, and this is nice stuff – some feels like cashmere wool to me.  I’ve only dipped my toe into the world of felt, but I have at least two projects already percolating to use some of these pretties!  Keep an eye out, ‘cuz one should be done like tomorrow!
  • Felted wool cupcake pincushion – Even my stingy-with-the-compliments husband said he liked this cute little pincushion.  I love it too, and I have to admit that my pins are in the little plastic box they came in, so this will definitely be useful.
  • Key wristlet – always handy, and this one’s cute to boot!  I’m thinking for when I walk Laser & Sophie.
  • Map embellished sticky note holder – When I work on projects that I’m thinking will become tutorials, I scratch down dimensions and notes on whatever paper I can find.  Now I can find a note when I need it!
  • Fold over elastic (FOE) from Pick Your Plum – I’ve seen some cool projects with FOE, and I know you can use it to make underwear – maybe I’ll try my hand at that?  I am running out of places to find cute underwear in Arden’s size to give as rewards for her staying dry all day…  I also think it looks cute as binding on t-shirts, of which I’m planning to make more.
  • Crocheted clippies – I think Ellen might have been checking out my pins for these.  I used to know how to crochet, but I have looooong ago forgotten and kept finding cute crochet projects like these.  Now I can move “re-learn to crochet” way down on my list of things to do.

Part of the reason I haven’t posted as much this week is that I’ve been working on my package for Ellen.  She sent hers early and I’m really glad because I think I would have ended up in that awkward situation where the gift you give isn’t as cool as the one you’ve received – you know what I’m talking about?  Like first gift exchange when you’re in the early stages of dating?..  not that Ellen and I are dating…  oh, never mind…

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6 Responses to My Package Pal Rocks!

  1. Ellen February 10, 2012 at 1:49 AM #

    Oh my, what a wonderful post! I am so glad you liked it all! I look forward to seeing your wool projects!

  2. Ellen February 26, 2012 at 9:21 PM #

    What a great Package Pal box!!! I’m working on mine right now for my pal 🙂

  3. C.R.A.F.T. February 29, 2012 at 9:05 PM #

    Wow! I’m impressed 🙂 What a fun package to have show up at your door!!! Thank you for participating!

  4. My name is Rita March 1, 2012 at 8:07 AM #

    What a fun package!!

  5. Saltbox House 5 March 2, 2012 at 2:11 AM #

    You got a really fun package!! Now I’m thinking I should’ve sent more to my PP! LOL! I found your blog through Jamie’s site, nice to meet you!! 🙂 Jackie

  6. Jenna March 27, 2012 at 2:02 PM #

    Wow, what a great package pal you had! 🙂

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